
Top 10 great benefits of using construction scheduling software

Written by 果冻传媒

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The myth about scheduling software

In the construction industry, people often assume that a construction scheduling software is a basic planning tool that helps managers construct pretty tables in order to present them in meetings with various stakeholders.
I will be frank here and say that there is so much more to a scheduling software than this. Technology has been progressing on an aggressive pace and to have assumptions that were true 5 years ago can be very costly.

In this article my main aim is to remove these archaic notions about project management software and show you the benefits behind them.

Let鈥檚 have a look at the top 10 benefits of a scheduling software!

1. A central hub

In any construction project, information is generated on a regular basis and is needed on various crucial steps. This information needs to reach various relevant parties which is why it is very important to have a central hub.
A scheduling software takes all the information and stores it in a single place. Construction managers, workers and various clients can have access to the project flow whenever the need arises. The latest technology focuses on providing real-time project updates that are stored in one location to provide project overview.

Read Also: The key to unlocking efficiency in construction

2. Data driven decision making

A central hub then allows for data driven decision making. Poor decision making affects planning and budget allocation which ultimately causes construction projects to waste valuable resources.
At the moment, the construction industry has poorly managed data flow.

Currently, 95% of all the data generated in the industry is thrown out or not collected at all

Though recently, cloud technology and big data tech has made its way in construction in the form of BIM, Drones, Project Management Software and various other technologies.

3. Real-time Updates

Traditional planning tools provided a static view of projects. Although, newer more tech savvy scheduling software provide real-time updates that allow for efficiency and better collaboration. Real-time updates in a central information system also improves better communication between team members.

Managers can observe the progress of tasks from their office and update the changes in real-time. Through this they avoid emails, calls and face-to-face meetings with workers on-site. The software alerts all relevant parties of the changes made as soon as they are made.

4. Integrations

In many construction projects, the data is stored in MS project, Excel or various data management tools. All of these tools rarely provide real-time and dynamic view of the entire project. In order to move the static information into a live storage system, scheduling software that provides integrations is needed. Through integration, construction project data can be imported to real-time scheduling software.

This is beneficial in two ways. Firstly, the entire construction project doesn鈥檛 have to be moved manually in the to project management software which makes it easier for users to transition to a new storage system. Secondly, gathering information stored on various different platforms and creating a centralized system allows for project overview and insight into current and future construction projects.

5. Resource and Waste Management

As a scheduling software uses real-time technology to provide project overview and insights, managers create efficient decision making to monitor resource allocation and waste management.

Managers can use the experience with construction scheduling software in previous projects to create a much informed decision regarding waste management.

6. Cost analysis

On average 80% of construction projects deal with cost overruns. It has been a well known fact that construction projects suffer from poor planning, resource misallocation and ultimately cost overruns.

Find out more here: Go mobile, go cloud. But keep the data!

Once there is efficient budget planning and waste management, managers will be able to make accurate cost estimates. Tracking these estimates will allow for cost reduction. A deeper understanding of where the leaks are in a project will lead to an analysis that will improve cost allocation.

7. Green construction

Through an effective application of a scheduling software in a construction project, managers can focus on trying to improve construction processes that are more environment friendly. Providing solutions that focus on waste management and resource allocation makes a company more green focused. Green building is a very important factor in the construction industry and to be able to have a LEED construction plaque on your company can bring more business to contractors.

The use of construction scheduling software can lead to benefits that are not observed immediately but have a rippling effect on various parts of construction

8. Accountability and transparency

One of the most crucial thing in a construction project is the ability to be accountable for each and every task. That mostly requires a lot bookkeeping and tracking. A scheduling software provides you a central location that has been keeping track of each and every task, resources and costs throughout the project.
Scheduling software

Removal of filters and miscommunication leads to transparent record of the entire construction process. Clients are tired of not having complete control of the construction project. To them a platform that provides project overview, real-time updates, accountability and transparency is an all in one package deal.

A successful implementation of project management software makes it more likely for the contractors to get the projects as they are able to market themselves as technology savvy.

9. Time management

It all boils down to whether the projects can be delivered on time or not. In majority of the cases, they cannot. The biggest factor is poor planning. A scheduling software is nothing if not time efficient. Real-time updates reduce the time it tasks to inform relevant parties and make decisions by a high margin. This makes it possible to have a much realistic and accurate plan of the entire process.

Scheduling software gets the job done, gets it done right and gets it done on time

Another thing that a scheduling software do is alert team members of any issues and errors that might occur. Immediate attention to any problem can reduce delays and blocks in the construction process. The software can also alert managers if the task is done ahead of schedule so that the company can avail the benefits of finishing the task early.

10. Establishment of strategy

Knowledge gained from effectively using a scheduling software in a construction project is invaluable. Managers make much better decisions. Insights gained from the analysis of even a single project can lead to a much cost effective way of running future projects. Data leads to predictable outcomes which makes for a very accurate strategy.

The future with construction scheduling software

The future of the managers that use and reap the rewards of scheduling software looks bright. It is rich with resources, green construction and complete control of the entire construction project. Now, be honest – Don’t we all want that?

If yes then book a demo and avail these benefits!