
What’s New on Geniebelt? | October 2022

Written by Nicolas Regnacq

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The construction sites have resumed, the summer period is over, and it’s time to focus on the next deadlines.

To help you get back to work, LB Geniebelt has something new for you: an improved cross-project and the drill-down retirement!

Goodbye drill-down… And hello to the improved Cross-Project!

To make sure our LB GenieBelt app is supported effectively and efficiently, we are currently migrating the platform onto a new back-end management system. 

As a result of this, we will no longer be able to support the drill-down feature and will retire it during Q2 2023. A more detailed timeline will be shared soon.

You may be aware that we have another reporting feature called Cross Projects. We are currently reviewing this feature to make sure it meets everyone’s requirements. It means you will see a lot of improvements related to this feature in the next couple of months! 

See only what really matters on the Cross-Project view ↕️

The purpose of Cross-Project is to be able to filter, sort and specifically focus on particular tasks, phases, or trades that need to perform one or more actions in different projects, in order to bring everything together in a single view. 

By adding a lot of filters, using company views or your own different views makes it harder to see what matters: the Gantt chart. 

To avoid having to scroll and see only half a chart, we have added the possibility to reduce/expand the filters, views & company views fields!

More stability and better reliability of our application

A lot of work has been done over the summer on the backend of Geniebelt to provide a more stable, reliable and easy experience for the users. 

One of the main improvements made is on the Cross-Project. We have improved the speed of it, so that you can get a global view of all your projects, no matter how many projects you have, and without having to wait for each filter or view to change. 

We will continue to do so in the next quarter so that we can continue to deliver new development works.

What’s next? 

In order to follow the different developments planned on LB Geniebelt, you can have a look at !